
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Send ur name to MARS - Let Martians know who u r..

NASA is working on creating a new MARS Rover to be launched in October 2011 called Curiosity or Mars Science Laboratory rover. 
Overall, Curiosity is about the size of a small SUV. Curiosity, will carry many different instruments such as cameras, spectrometers, radiation detectors and other instruments. Using a radioisotope  power system, Curiosity will be able to travel at an average of 98 feet per hour and is expected to last 687 Earth days while on Mars.

But perhaps the most "striking" is that our names could "be" on Mars. How?

Simple , NASA will record our names in the memory chip to send the rover. It is a simple detail, but attention. Besides, who knows, maybe some alien capture the rover, see the chip and know who we are…

If you also want to have your name written in the microchip and sent to the mars just visit the  OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF NASA  and fill the form there.
Then you name will be processed for inclusion in the microchip..

You will also receive a official certificate of participation from NASA immediately after you register at the site.

So hurry up and be a part of history....!!


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