Many websites ask for your e-mail address to download software or to register. But you don't know what they'll be doing with your e-mail.. Your e-mail will probably be stored in a database which will then be resold to spammers and you will be receiving unsolicited bulk e-mail.
You can protect this by using Spambox
Spambox create for you a temporary e-mail address that will expire in the time you chose, all the mails directed to this e-mail will be transparently forwarded to your real e-mail.
For example, you need to register on a forum that requires e-mail verification, so you generate a spambox e-mail with an expiry of one hour. The generated e-mail will expire in an hour, way enough for the Forum to send you the verification code.
Go To > SpamBox
Note: You can create multiple profiles easily by using this service in any popular social networking website/portal.
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